My In Depth Quantum Manifestation Code Review

The Most In Depth Quantum Manifestation Code Review + My Experience 


Quantum Manifestation Code Review

Is it effective?

I found that I was able to change certain aspects of my life for the better by applying the techniques in the Quantum Manifestation Code.

Quantum Manifestation Code

How easy is it to use?

There are 7 PDF manuals that are easy to read and follow. At the end of each manual there is a practice session for you to apply what you have learned. All of the manuals are fairly short so it will not take you long to read them and absorb the information.

Is the price reasonable?

At $47 the Quantum Manifestation Code is reasonably priced and certainly comparable with other manifestation products on the market.

What about support?

I sent an email to the support team and they responded the same day. The answer that they gave me made sense so no concerns here.

What was good about the Quantum Manifestation Code?

  • The concept is easy to understand
  • It makes a lot of sense
  • The manuals are well written and easy to follow

What was bad about the Quantum Manifestation Code?

  • It takes longer than other manifestation products out there
  • Religious overtones (you do not have to be religious to benefit from this product)

Summing up

The Quantum Manifestation Code is easy to understand and apply and if you do the work and believe in the concept then you should definitely see positive changes in your life like I did. You will need to be consistent and patient to see results.

My aim with this Quantum Manifestation Code review was to give you the full lowdown on the product (good and bad) so that you can easily decide if the product is for you or not. I hope that you get the most from this review and make the best decision for you.

Visit the official Quantum Manifestation Code website here

My Experience with the Quantum Manifestation Code

A year ago I was feeling pretty down. I didn’t have the things that I wanted in my life and it was really getting to me. I saw others around me that had money, great relationships and the material things that I craved. They were all a lot happier than I was.

I decided enough was enough and I went looking for ways to improve my situation. I purchased several self development books and products. I tried to apply the techniques in these products but nothing seemed to work for me.

Then I discovered manifestation and the Law of Attraction. With the little money that I had I got my hands on everything that I could about these subjects. The Law of Attraction appealed greatly to me because I believed that all I had to do was wish for good things to happen to me and they would.

Can you guess what happened? Well I did a lot of wishing and nothing materialized. After this I began to lose faith in the Law of Attraction and the idea of manifestation. But all of the time I kept wondering if I was doing things right. Could it be my fault that the Law of Attraction had not worked for me?

So I got back on the horse so to speak. I invested in other Law of Attraction and manifestation products. The problem that I now had was following through. I had built up so much cynicism that even reading the products in full was a chore for me. But I didn’t give up because I believed that there must be something out there that would work for me.

Recently I discovered the Quantum Manifestation Code. The reason that I paid attention to this product and didn’t dismiss it like all of the others was because the approach was different. The creator of the product claimed that the teachings within the course were directly related to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Now I am not a very religious man but this really piqued my interest. I sat through the video on the sales page and it was pretty convincing. Could this really be what I was looking for? My skepticism had gotten so bad that I walked away from my computer and decided to go and do something else.

But I couldn’t get the concept out of my head. The fact that God had created us all with the power to get anything we want from life and transform the world around us was reverberating in my head.

I decided to give it a try. After all there was a 60 day money back guarantee so I felt it was safe for me to purchase the product. It was only $47 and I decided that this was a small price to pay if I could change my life for the better.

So I took the plunge. The Quantum Manifestation Code comes in 7 parts. You are supposed to spend a week on each part and the real magic will happen after 7 weeks. At first I didn’t like this idea as 7 weeks seemed like a long time. Of course we all know that it isn’t a long time.

I decided that I would really commit to the Quantum Manifestation Code and follow through with the product. I would put all of my cynicism to one side and open my mind again. So I opened week 1 and got stuck in.

I read the guide twice and followed the actions for the week. Nothing significant happened in this first week. It was hard to keep the faith but I persevered with it. I moved on to the second week.

I am a freelancer and things had been rough for me. I was struggling to get work and money was tight. A few days into reading the second week of the Quantum Manifestation Code I was approached out of the blue with a very good freelance offer.

This was a person that I didn’t know but was a recommendation from one of my previous clients. This was very welcome and I made good money from this gig. I just thought that this was a spurious event and didn’t think any more about it.

I continued with the weekly lessons. In week four I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely girl at a social gathering. We instantly connected and now she is my permanent girlfriend. My life was really changing for the better.

Then the same customer that came out of the blue reached out to me again with an even more lucrative freelance deal. This was all too much of a coincidence for me and I put it down to the effect that the Quantum Manifestation Code was having on me.

More and more great things have happened to me since reading the Quantum Manifestation Code. When I followed other manifestation products I never had experiences like this. If it can work for me like this then there is no reason why it cannot work for you.

I had to work at it and it was far from wishing and hoping and you will need to do this too. I really enjoyed reading the weekly lessons which helped me to keep the faith and commit to it. I stopped wasting my time on social media and started to do more productive things. Quantum Manifestation Code really changed my life.

Who is the Quantum Manifestation Code for?

The product is for people that really want to change their lives for the better. If you have reached the stage where enough is enough like I did then you will get a lot out of the product. If you don’t believe that you can change then it won’t work for you – in fact nothing will work for you.

The Quantum Manifestation Code is not just for people that believe in Jesus and God. It is for people that will keep the faith in a method of manifestation that has been providing people what they want for centuries.

If you are a wisher or a hoper then don’t buy the product. If you are someone that is not prepared to read through the course fully and take the recommended action then the Quantum Manifestation Code is not for you. It is not a miracle – you will need to put the effort in and keep the faith.

You need to ask yourself a question before you purchase the product. “Are you ready to be happy and have everything you’ve always dreamed of?” How did you react to asking yourself that question? Did it create a burning desire within you to change your life and manifest your desires?

Even though I had tried many other manifestation products I never completely lost the faith. I always knew that there was a way to get what I wanted. Are you in a place like this? If so then the Quantum Manifestation Code should be your next step.

Are you someone who buys a product like this and then expects instant results? If you are then the Quantum Manifestation Code is probably not a good fit for you. I didn’t see results until the second week and for some of the other product users it has taken even longer than that.

I want to be completely honest with you here. I do not want you to purchase the Quantum Manifestation Code and then give up on it after a week because you are not a millionaire already. This is not what the product is about. If you are the kind of person that gives up easily then you need to fix this part of your character first before buying any product.

What will you get with the Quantum Manifestation Code?

You will receive 7 PDF format guides that are the 7 weeks of training. There is also a bonus product called Power Nap + and a surprise bonus which I will talk about later in this review.

Introduction and Week 1

This is the longest of the 7 guides at 32 pages. Being an introductory guide this is acceptable and you need to read through all of the introductory parts as it will really set the scene for you.

You will learn about the Law of Attraction if you don’t already know how this works. In this section the author, Benjamin Malcolm, recommends that you ask yourself three very important questions. The answers to these questions will define who you are, what makes you happy and want your life purpose really is.

There are lots of references in the first week’s guide about belief. You will learn that you deserve to have everything that you want and to live well. You need discover what your burning passions are and turn these into your reality.

There is a great deal of emphasis placed on controlling your thoughts and using intention. It is explained that what you focus on you will receive. This works if you have positive or negative thoughts.

Throughout the guide there are exercises that are worth doing. These are in the form of questions that you need to ask yourself. They will help you to see how far away you are from the life that you want and this is very important.

The second section of the first guide is about helping you to create the necessary vibrations that will manifest your desires. There are techniques shared here that are very easy to apply and will have a dramatic impact on the way that you think.


Week 2

The second week of the Quantum Manifestation Code is about de-cluttering your life physically. You need to make space for the new things that you are about to receive through manifestation.

There are techniques discussed for clearing out the physical clutter in your life. You will probably have a lot of stuff that you do not use any more and this is just weighing you down. Then there are strategies for tackling digital clutter and information overload.

The next de-cluttering exercise is about the food that you eat. It is all about ridding yourself of the foods that slow you down. On to relationships that serve you no purpose. There is some good advice here on getting those negatively minded people out of your life. De-cluttering your finances is next. What are you spending money on that you don’t need to?

The chapter ends with a weekend review. These are simple actions that you can take to reinforce the teachings of the second week.

Week 3

Week three is all about eliminating your emotional clutter. This is emotional stuff that has been holding you back for a long time. A lot of people let their past failures haunt them forever. I was like this and it just stops you from moving forward with your life.

There is a great exercise for tackling your past. I found this to be one of the most powerful exercises in the whole course. Be sure to follow through on this and you will have a totally new outlook on your life.

The next part of week three is about tackling your fears. We all have irrational fears that keep us awake at night. All this does is make you more anxious and when you are in this state you will not manifest anything.

There is another good exercise to help you stop worrying and being anxious about life in general. It is all about tackling those fears that are really stopping you from achieving the life that you want.

Then Malcolm goes on to talk about guilt and how that affects us. You know the things that you should have done in your life and didn’t do. There is also a good side to guilt well explained here.

A set of exercises follows to stop you feeling guilty all of the time. If guilt is a habit for you (it is for a lot of people) then this will certainly help. It is all about identifying the problem and then tackling it head on.

The final section is about loving yourself which is very important. The third week closes with a weekend review as usual.

Week 4

The fourth week is all about suspending doubt. Doubt is a real success killer and will stop you from manifesting your desires. Malcolm explains that doubts are normal and that what you have to do is overcome the resistance that these doubts create if they are holding you back.

The next section is all about getting rid of the doubt habit. Malcolm explains that a lot of our doubts are irrational and that we can stop these doubts. There is a great exercise section on how to do this.

The next section is about dealing with the fear of the consequences of change. A lot of people want to be more successful but fear what this additional success will bring. The exercises here will help you to overcome the fear of change consequences.

After this is a section about your faith. Faith is required to make the changes in your life that you want and without it you will just give up. There are some good belief strengthening exercises that will help you with your faith.

Week four finishes with a section on expecting success and strengthening your beliefs. There is a weekend review about protecting your positivity which you need to follow through on.

Week 5

This guide is about taking action. Malcolm explains why inspired action is so important for your manifestation. The next section is all about time management. The emphasis here is on spending your time on things that matter.

The exercise that follows is about assessing your time and harnessing it for the taking of inspired action. You will learn that your time is very valuable and that you should only use it for things that matter.

Malcolm then talks about joy, and specifically the joy that you will feel after taking inspired action. The exercise that follows is good for identifying the things in your life that make you joyous.

Next is a section on making the noise in your life quiet. It will be really difficult for you to be inspired when there is all of this noise going on. So what do you do? Well you follow through with the great exercise that will help you cut down the amount of noise in your life.

The session for the next day is all about heeding your inspiration. Once you start to receive inspired thoughts you need to listen to them and act on them. As usual there is a great exercise section to help you to do this.

The fifth week finishes with some wise words about following your heart and not your ego. There is a weekend review which is all about taking inspired action.

Week Six

At this stage you are ready to start aiming for abundance. Here you will need to define exactly what you want and set goals. A lot of people find goal setting difficult and the exercise here will really help you to gain clarity and define what you really want.

The next section is about aligning your values to your goals. This is about discovering your values and checking to see if they align with your goals. If they don’t, then achieving your goals will be very difficult. Follow through on the exercise to check this out.

To take this a step further the next section is about setting short and long term goals. Malcolm explains why this is important and there is an exercise that will really help you to decide what your short and long term aims are.

Still on the subject of goals, the next day’s work concerns setting goals that are realistic. If you set unrealistic goals then you will just end up disappointed and lose your belief. There is a good exercise session for testing that your goals are realistic.

Now that your goals are in order you need to pursue them with purpose, focus and drive. You will need a plan to achieve your goals. There are some good tips in the exercise section to create a real drive towards the achievement of your goals.

The sixth week ends with a weekend review around your goals.

Week Seven

The final week of the Quantum Manifestation Code is all about your final transformation. The first section is about the power of affirmations and how you can use them to strengthen your transformation. The exercises here are particularly good.

This is followed by living your life as if you have already manifested what you desire. Having things in your life is all about the feelings that they will give you. So follow through on the exercises and create those feelings.

Now it is time to create the story of your life. Here you will use the power of visualization so that the Universe can manifest what you want. The associated exercise will help you to visualize.

The next section is all about surrendering to the process of the Law of Attraction so that you can manifest your desires. By following the exercises in this section you will develop the sense of total belief in the Law of Attraction and its power.

The last part of week 7 is about eliminating any negativity that still exists in your life. Any negativity will mean sending the wrong vibrations to the Universe and this will hinder your manifestation. Be sure to follow through on the exercises so that you can finally say no to negativity.

The final weekend review is about living on abundance. There is a powerful conclusion after this that reinforces what you have learned over the last seven weeks.

Visit the official Quantum Manifestation Code website here


Power Nap +

A lot of people know that taking power naps for a few minutes can really restore your energy and help you to tackle any challenges that are in front of you. The problem is that most people find power napping a difficult thing to do.

Power Nap + uses binaural beat technology to assist you to have a power nap whenever you want. You can choose to take a 15 minute or 20 minute nap by listening to the appropriate audio. So just relax, put on your headphones, listen to Power Nap + and get that nap that you deserve.

Power Nap Of The Quantum Manifestation Code

Manifesting Success With God

This is an unannounced bonus. It was the book written by Benjamin Malcolm that led to the development of the Quantum Manifestation Code. It will explain some of the concepts of the Quantum Manifestation Code. It is optional reading.

How to Order the Quantum Manifestation Code?

It is very easy to order the Quantum Manifestation Code. Go over to the official website here and then find the orange button which has the words “Get Instant Access” on it. When you click this button the Clickbank secure order form will appear. Clickbank is a very secure payment processor and your payment details will be completely safe.

Enter all of your payment details and choose whether you want to pay with a credit card or PayPal. If you choose a credit card then you will have the choice of using Discover, JCB card, American Express, Diners Club, Mastercard or Visa.

After your payment has been processed a thank you page will appear which will contain a link to your download page. Click on the download page link and you will have full access to the Quantum Manifestation Code (7 PDF documents) as well as your bonuses Power Nap + and Manifesting Success with God. Download everything to your computer.


You will find that the Quantum Manifestation Code is a solid step by step guide to making the Law of Attraction work for you so that you can manifest everything that you want in your life. I really liked the layout of the weekly guides and the exercises were really good.

The continuous biblical references were a little annoying for me as I am not particularly religious. But don’t let that put you off as you can easily skip over these. The Quantum Manifestation Code is not a miracle despite the constant references to Jesus. You will need to work at it to get the best out of the course.

If you are prepared to put in the effort then you should certainly see results with the Quantum Manifestation Method. If you are really keen to learn then there is no reason why you cannot finish the course in less than the recommended 7 weeks. You have nothing to lose by trying out the Quantum Manifestation Code as you have a 60 day money back guarantee.