Eddie Sergey’s 15 Minute Manifestation Review – My Opinion

A 15 Minute Manifestation Review From A Real User

When you are looking for a genuine 15 Minute Manifestation review you will be hard pressed to find one. Most of the reviews about the product have been written by people that did not buy the product and have not used it. They just rewrite other people’s reviews in the hope that they will make a few bucks.

I did buy the program and I have used it. I discovered 15 Minute Manifestation by accident. I am a writer, and one of my customers mentioned the product to me. He asked my opinion about it and obviously I didn’t have one as I had never heard of it before.

I went to the sales page and watched the video from Eddie Sergey (the product creator). I have always been interested in personal development and it seemed interesting. What appealed to me the most was that it was a program where all I had to do was listen to a different audio for a week at a time.

What Could be Simpler?

I have to tell you that I have experienced a lot of highs and lows in my life. I have been successful in business, made a lot of money and then lost it again. I live in a foreign country through marriage now, and my freelance writing business is my only possible source of income.

As with every business I was experiencing good months and bad months. I always seemed to be busy, but this was not always translating into hard cash. The last couple of months for me had been bad and it was becoming a struggle to pay the bills. I started to become apprehensive about the future.

So when I saw Eddie Sergey’s 15 Minute Manifestation program I was intrigued to say the least. I didn’t have time to embark on the normal personal development programs so the thought of just taking 15 minutes out of my day to listen to an audio was really appealing.

Was I skeptical about this product? Of course I was!

It all sounded great. The binaural beats would open up a communication channel with my subconscious “editor”. Then the messages in the audios would reprogram my subconscious from a scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset.

But could a series of binaural beats audios really do that without me having to put in any effort at all? I decided to research the binaural beats technology to try to find case studies where it had been effective with other people.

There was a ton of stuff online about binaural beats. Some positive and some negative as you might expect. To be honest I couldn’t find anything that totally convinced me, but in the back of my mind I just had a feeling that I should try the 15 Minute Manifestation program.

I decided to wait until a good sized writing order came my way, and that event happened a couple of days later. So I went to the official website and spent $47 on 15 Minute Manifestation. The product had a 60 day no questions asked guarantee, so I knew that I could get my money back if it didn’t work out for me.

What is in the 15 Minute Manifestation product package?

After paying the money I was taken straight to the product download page. There were three audios that constituted the main program and a bonus audio (which I still haven’t listened to yet!). There were also two PDF documents. The first of these PDF’s was called the “Jumpstart Guide” and the second was “Manifestation Wizardry”.

The PDF Documents

I decided that I would read the Jumpstart Guide first and read the Manifestation Wizardry document later on. The Jumpstart Guide was short and easy to read and revealed what I needed to do to prepare for the program. There were in fact only two things that I had to do to prepare:

  1. Believe in the program
  2. Believe in myself

The second one was fairly easy as for many years I had believed in myself. Believing in the program at this stage was a “big ask” as I hadn’t even tried it. But I convinced myself that I would believe the 15 Minute Manifestation program would work for me. After all it was based on accessing and changing the subconscious mind which I know works from experience.

The next section of the Jumpstart Guide was instructions of how to listen to the 15 Minute Manifestation audios. You might think this is obvious, but there were some helpful tips about always using headphones or earphones and relaxing in a certain way. Listening to the audios through speakers was not recommended.

Then there was a strong message about listening to each audio every day for 7 days continuously. It was vital that I didn’t miss a day. I had to listen to Audio 1 for the first week, Audio 2 for the second and Audio 3 for the last week. No breaks in between!

At the end of the Jumpstart Guide there is a useful FAQ section which answers questions like:

  • Will the program work?
  • What is the best time to listen to the program?
  • What happens if I fall asleep while I am listening?
  • What do I do if I have more questions? (The answer is contact Eddie using the support email provided)

A few days after starting the 15 Minute Manifestation program I decided to read the second PDF called Manifestation Wizardry. It is a 25 page guide that is easy to read. There is some good material in this guide about the Law of Attraction and thoughts determining your destiny.

The Law of Abundance is also discussed and why most people have a scarcity mindset. This was particularly interesting to me, as although I am a positive and optimistic person I knew that I had a scarcity mindset.

It goes back to the time when my girlfriend and I were stuck in a foreign country with less than a dollar between us. I did get us out of that situation but I never wanted to be there again. Since that event I have always been overly cautious about money and always worried where the next money was coming from. You may be the same – a lot of people are.

People worry about the uncertainty of their jobs and all sorts of things. I married a foreign girl and I live in her home country. There is absolutely no chance of me finding employment here, and even if I did the wages would be extremely low when compared to what I would earn in the West.

I had no choice but to start my own business and make my money online. I have done that reasonably successfully, but I want to take it to the next level. Later on in Manifestation Wizardry. Eddie Sergey talks about the fact that you are not stuck with the brain that you are born with.

He introduces the subject of brain re-entrainment. This is subconscious mind reprogramming and it is never too late for you to make a change. He emphasises that it takes 21 days to make a change which is why the 15 Minute Manifestation program is structured in the way that it is. It all made sense so far.

The document concludes with an explanation of the Law of Attention and the fact that what you focus on expands. This is very true and I know this from experience. When I had no money all I could think about was having no money. As soon as I broke that pattern of thinking I was able to focus on making money and I achieved that.

The final chapter is about moving forward with manifestation and that it is a continual process. Achieving the right state of mind is discussed here, and there is some useful information about why Eddie Sergey created the 15 Minute Manifestation program. This PDF is certainly worth 20 minutes of your time to read through it so that you know the background.

The Audios

There are three main audios in 15 Minute Manifestation and I had to listen to them each day. There is a fourth audio called “Deep Sleep Now” which again uses binaural beats to help you to sleep better. I don’t have any problems sleeping so I didn’t listen to this and regret that I cannot give you my view on this.

All of the audios are in MP3 format which means that they will work on many different devices such as MP3 players, smart phones, tablets and of course computers which have MP3 playback software. Be careful where you use the audios as they will make you feel relaxed. Do not listen to them while you are driving, or working on something where you could be in danger if you do not concentrate.

The first of these audios is called “Your Natural State” and the idea with this audio is that the binaural beats will connect with your subconscious mind’s “editor” and start to change the limiting beliefs that you have about scarcity.

It will then reprogram your subconscious mind for abundance. This is a very easy audio to listen to and you literally have to do nothing but listen. You need to believe that the audio is going to work and that your subconscious will be reprogrammed so that you can manifest abundance.

The audio will put you into a very relaxed state so that the binaural beats and messages can take effect. At the end you will be eased out of this state to a normal level of consciousness. There was nothing difficult at all about listening to Audio 1.

Seven days later I had to switch to Audio 2 which is called “Your New Story”. Like the first audio I was placed in a relaxed state and then the binaural beats and messages got to work on me.

As the title suggests, Audio 2 is about creating a new story for yourself. A new story for your life going forward. I was encouraged to think about my past in a different way that was empowering rather than in a negative way. This audio suggested that I could really enjoy the present better than I have been doing before.

I was asked to create a new movie in my mind about my new life. This is visualization, and I was confident about this as I had used it to good effect before. What I was doing here was replacing my old thoughts about my life with new empowering thoughts. I remembered my new story and visualized it for the seven days of Audio 2. You should do this too.

After two weeks it was time to move on to Audio 3 – “Moving Toward Abundance”. The Law of Attraction is discussed in this audio and how it helps you to manifest what you desire. A daily visualization of what you desire is recommended.

Visualization is discussed as well as gratitude. These are two things that I already believe in and have practiced often. I was asked to create my own future (visually) and then think about this deeply. I used the same visual picture for the entire seven days.

I have to say that even with the visualization exercises in audios 2 and 3 it was really easy to listen and do what was suggested. I was always in a relaxed state of mind so I believed that the suggestions would work for me.

Important – The Audios have been Upgraded!

I have had my copy of 15 Minute Manifestation for some time. I have learned from other people that purchased it after me that the program has been changed so there is no voice over and no requests for visualizations.

Eddie Sergey confirmed that they were now using a subliminal approach with 15 Minute Manifestation. There is still a voice over, but this is only heard by the subconscious mind and not the conscious mind.

They had run some tests and found that the subliminal version was best as it cannot be interrupted by the conscious mind. I can relate to this, as it is not always easy to visualize and avoid the distractions that your conscious mind can create.

So now the 15 Minute Manifestation program is even easier than it was before!

Did the 15 Minute Manifestation program work for me?

For the first two weeks it didn’t. I had never used a binaural beats audio before and I have to be honest and say that I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know how well the technology worked – all that I can tell you is that I did not find the binaural beats annoying to listen to in any way.

Despite seeing no changes in the first two weeks I persevered with the program and listened to it right through until the end. I did not miss a single day. In fact after the first few days I actually looked forward to listing to the audios.

My life was kind of the same until the middle of the third week. My writing business was quite slow as it was the beginning of the summer period, and many people were away on vacations. Suddenly I received a message from a high paying customer that I had not done any work for in months.

I seriously thought that I had lost this guy. I didn’t do anything wrong and he always told me that my work was great. He apologized to me for not being in contact and was almost grovelling to me to take him back as a customer. He deposited several hundred dollars into my account and I was blown away.

This same customer had done some homework on me. Years ago I created a personal development audio program that sold well initially and got some rave reviews. I didn’t really take it any further then doing joint ventures with people that I knew (and some that I didn’t) in the personal development niche.

He asked me to send him the program and that he would listen to it. He came back and said that he liked it very much, and now we are agreeing a partnership deal where he will spend a lot of money on promoting the product and we will split the profits!

It hasn’t stopped there either. My writing business has really taken off. I have acquired another customer who has spent thousands of dollars with me over the last three months. He has a plan for me to write that extends months into the future. These are the type of customers that freelance writers dream of.

I now feel truly confident about the future. I have been working on other ideas too that I know will work. I totally put this down to listening to the 15 Minute Manifestation program. It has definitely had an effect on my subconscious mind.

Have I become a millionaire? No I haven’t, and if you are expecting to listen to the program and become a millionaire after three weeks then you are going to be disappointed. But if you want to become a millionaire (like I do), then this program should help you to clear away those limiting beliefs and rid you of a scarcity mindset.

Why I believed 15 Minute Manifestation worked for me

All of these kinds of personal development products are going to work differently for different people. The first thing that you need to have is belief. Belief in yourself and belief in the program. If you don’t have belief then no personal development program is going to work for you no matter how good it is.

I have been studying the Law of Attraction and personal development for years. I know that the subconscious mind is the key to success, and what differentiates the winners from the losers in life.

You have to have an open mind when you are using the program. The fact that it is now subliminal will help a lot in my opinion. But if you don’t believe it will work for you from the start then it won’t. Remember the old adage:

“Whether you think you can or you can’t – you’re right”

How to Access the 15 Minute Manifestation program

Go to the official website here. There is a short video to watch which will tell you all about the program. An “Order Now” button will appear after a while and you need to click this and you will be taken to the payment page.

Fill in your details and make your payment. After this you will be taken to the download page where you can access the four audios and the two PDF documents. The audios are in MP3 format so you can use them on your computer, your smartphone or your tablet device.

It is not a good idea to listen to these audios while you are driving. They will put you into a relaxed state and this can be very dangerous. Listen to them at home when you know you are not going to be disturbed.

Please let us have your comments

It has been a pleasure writing this 15 Minute Manifestation review for you and telling you the truth about my experiences with this product. I would love to hear about your experiences and I will be delighted to answer any questions about the program that you may have. Please leave me a comment below. Many thanks.