How to Stop Your Puppy From Toileting Inside Your House

How to Stop Your Puppy from Making Your House His Toilet


Toilet training is one of the basic things that need to be taught to a new dog or puppy. A new home is something unfamiliar to a new dog and could make him confused and anxious as to where he could do things that he needs to do.

As much as you need to tell him where to sleep and where to find his bowl or water, you should designate a spot in the yard or anywhere inside the home where he could toilet. This would make it easier for your dog and also easier on your behalf since clean up won’t be that much of a trouble.

Important Facts about Your Dog


  • Dogs have a keen memory and they will learn right away where the toilet is. You just need to lead them early on.
  • As young as 8 weeks puppies may not be able to hold as much urine and therefore they may need to pee every 30 minutes or so. You need to show them where to pee and to be vigilant in training them so that they would learn where and when to go.
  • Puppies would need to pee and move their bowels as soon as they wake up. They also need to pee right after taking a bath or eating so immediately take them to their designated spot.


The following strategies should be enforced as soon as your dog arrives home:


  1. Make the toilet accessible. If your dog’s bed is located at the back of the kitchen, his food and water bowls should also be nearby and of course easy access to the toilet from the back door. A doggy door could be installed at the back which leads to a patch of grass or soil where he could do his business.
  1. As early as possible, help your puppy with his toilet training. The minute he wakes up, carry him outside and let him pee and move his bowels before you take him inside. Let him smell and associate this time and spot in your yard as his time to do his business. Do not play or do any other activity during this time.
  1. After your dog eats, show him the yard by opening the door. This will signal that he is allowed to do his business outside. Reward your dog when he is able to toilet outside by patting him and saying praises.
  1. You can link a phrase or a word for toilet. Your dog will instantly identify that this is a sign that he has to go and will immediately go out using the doggy door to his spot. Again, reward your dog for doing a good job.
  1. Use food and treats to reward your dog. This is ideal for training your dog at a very young age. As soon as he finishes peeing or pooping outside, give the treat as a reward. He will quickly understand that he has done a good job and will likely do it the next time.

On the other hand, uncontrollable toileting inside for a puppy or dog that has been toilet trained is another issue. You must never dismiss the possibility of a medical or health issue and therefore you should refer your dog to a vet as soon as possible.

You are foremost your dog’s parent and you should never overlook a physiologic issue that could be affecting your dog’s ability to follow your rules.

Dogs learn fast and are very eager to please their owners. Take time to reward or praise your dog for good behavior too.